About the Site
The author of this site is Steve Fossey. The site aims to be valid XHTML Strict and valid CSS2. It has been designed to work cleanly in Mozilla and other CSS-compliant browsers, and has been tested for IE6. You can send any comments you may have to helbig AT astro.multivax.de since Phillip Helbig took over the hosting and maintenance of the pages in February 2021 and acknowledges the contributions of Steve Fossey and the contribution of Will Reece, a former UCL student, who wrote some of the original XHTML and CSS2 on which the site is based.
The site is currently hosted at http://www.obsmag.org/; it was formerly at UCL's Observatory (ULO) (a real astronomical observatory, not directly related to the title of this Magazine), which was powered by the Apache Webserver.
It is now running on Dave Jones's webserver software (often known as the "OSU" server after The Ohio State University, where Dave worked until he retired) on a VMS cluster, currently with Alpha hardware.
For more information about web accessibility issues, refer to the Web Accessibility Initiative at w3.org.
For questions about the web pages, contact helbig AT astro.multivax.de .