%% Dear , %% The Latex template is given below. It should be obvious (for those %% who have used Latex or Tex) what to do. If in doubt, just send me an %% ascii file of the thesis abstract and a note of your name (as you wish %% it to appear), the title of the thesis, the university granting the %% award, and the date on which it was accepted by the university. Thanks. %% Congratulations! And best wishes, %% Dave Stickland %% %% Doctor's name \def\name{} %% First line of thesis title \def\title{} %% Second line of thesis title if there is one \def\titletwo{} %% Name of university (eg Oxford, Cambridge, not 'University of ...') \def\univ{} %% Year and month thesis was accepted \def\date{} %% Insert abstract between the curly brackets \def\summary{ } \documentclass[12pt]{article} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} \parindent 0.3in \textwidth 6.2in \textheight 8.5in \hoffset -0.7in \voffset -0.6in \begin{document} \centerline{THESIS ABSTRACT} \centerline{\sc\title} \centerline{\sc\titletwo} \centerline{\it By \name} \summary -- {\it University of \univ --- accepted \date.} \end{document}