%% Dear Reviewer, %% The latex template is given below. I'm sure you can figure out what %% to do but if there is a problem just do the review itself %% in the area after \def\reviewbody{ and I will put in the other %% information (which I have in a file anyway). %% Cheers, %% Dave %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Please enter reviewer's name, e.g., %% %% \def\reviewer{David Stickland} %% \def\reviewer{} %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Enter the body of the review between the curly %% brackets below. Check normal LaTeX syntax -- blank lines %% give paragraph breaks in the normal way. %% \def\reviewbody{ } %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Please enter publication details in definitions below. %% %% Replace the entries in the example below %% \def\booktitle{Introducing Einstein's Relativity} \def\editor{edited} \def\bookauthor{R. D'Inverno} \def\publisher{Oxford University Press} \def\pubaddrs{Oxford} \def\bookyear{1992} \def\bookpages{383} \def\bookheight{25} \def\bookwidth{16} \def\bookunits{cm} \def\bookprice{\pounds 22.50} \def\bookbinding{hardbound} \def\bookisbn{0 198 59686 3} %% if there is a paperback as well as a hardback, enter next 3 lines %% example prices give sterling/dollars/euros \def\bookprictwo{, \pounds 12.50/\$5.00/$\in$5.00} \def\bookbindintwo{paperback} \def\bookisbtwo{0 123 45678 9} %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% LaTeX commands for typesetting %% \documentclass[12pt]{article} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} \parindent 0.3in \textwidth 6.2in \textheight 8.5in \hoffset -0.7in \voffset -0.6in \begin{document} \noindent{\bf \booktitle,} \editor\ by \bookauthor\ (\publisher, \pubaddrs), \bookyear. Pp. \bookpages, $\bookheight\times\bookwidth$ \bookunits. Price \bookprice\ (\bookbinding; ISBN \bookisbn) %% if there was a hardback but no paperback (or just a paperback) %% delete the next line \bookprictwo (\bookbindintwo; ISBN \bookisbtwo) . \bigskip \reviewbody --- \sc\reviewer. \end{document} %% %% End of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%